New Legendary System (U30.3)


OVERVIEW LOTRO will be releasing its new Legendary System (LI) in a future update (U30.3). 

The reason for the revamp to the system was to create a less “grindy” experience, particularly for those just getting their new Legendary Weapons and Items as the shear amount of consumables required to level them to cap became more and more daunting with each new level cap. 

The Dev team have stated that they will fairly compensate those with the existing LIs; perhaps through a barter mechanism. In addition, they will not be forcing people to make the change, you will be able to use your existing LIs as is. Although it will likely be advantageous to make the switch, particularly as the game progresses. 

 The new LI System will be available to players level 50+ and feature more customization than the current iteration. SSG and the Devs have stated that they plan to implement a fair way to compensate players that have existing legendary weapons and items. 

As of this writing you will receive the following if your convert an existing LI to the new LI materials (using the Convert button on your LI panel): 

Dadi's LOTRO Guides New Legendary System
